Follow Your Heart

As a career and life coach, people often ask me, “How can I figure out what to do with my life? I’m frustrated…I’m not sure I’m doing what I’m ‘supposed’ to do…I feel unrequited…” My answer has always been—and will always be—the same. Follow your Heart! Although some would scoff at this idea and call it “weak minded,” my work with thousands of people over the years—including myself!—is all the proof I need to know that my advice is sound. In fact, many of the biographies about notable people I have read over the years have contained the same advice, and many beautiful songs have been written with this advice as the core message of the lyric. So, yes, do your research, capture your ideas and feelings on paper, reflect deeply on what you have written—then go inside—listen to your heart. I promise that you will find your heart to be a wise and faithful counselor!